Building for Every Generation! | 574.773.0603

Update 10/3/2023

Mark is to go next week to handle the bookshelves and tower. Will need to get Toliver there to complete the list of items that Fink’s and Adam have discussed.

Been A While

I apologize for the lateness of this update. We have been talking in person about all of this. First and foremost, we are working on getting all the water out of the crawl from the unseasonable rain we received. The garage floor was poured and is in. Last week the...
First Post and Update!

First Post and Update!

Hello, and welcome to the first post and update of your build log! Today we created the build log, which shows you where we are in the process. Included are some key features of your site, including the process you are at in the system, photos of your build and...